Friday, February 2, 2007


More than one person has pointed out that, if you look to the left of this Blog, it looks like I'm looking up the skirt of Molly Valentine (even tho she's not wearing a skirt, but I didn't quite know how to phrase that).
I just want to assure everyone that I'm not a pervert, but interestingly enough there was actually a hooker standing across the road from me when the photo was taken.


JamieB said...

Ah, prostitutes...a while back I was in King's Cross, and a woman dressed in a smart trouser suit approached me and said "Hello. How are you?"...and I just ignored her and carried on walking. But, you see, the thing is...the reason I just ignored her [rather than offering a cheery 'thanks, but no thanks'] was because I thought she must be working for some charity or other and wanted me to take part in a survey etc. -- and I'm sick of saying No to such people. It wasn't until I had gone a few yards further down the road that I realised that she didn't have a clipboard, and, you know...King's Cross. I thought seriously about turning around and going back to apologise for mistaking her for a charity worker, but...the moment had passed.

Mart said...

The whore-ish clothes would probably have been a dead giveaway too...
These people are known as Chuggers, you know. 'Charity muggers'.
Why do they always 'attack' you just as you're on your way home? Who wants to talk to anyone at that time of the day!

JamieB said...

How well I remember one sunny Friday luncthime on Tottenham Court Road where I had to run the gauntlet of Scientologists, Jews for Jesus, some anti-slavery action group *and* Amnesty International. I felt like I was in an episode of South Park.

Perhaps 'chores' is a more apropos nickname?

Mart said...

Apparently they get paid quite well, these chuggers. Maybe i should give up my job and become one.

Mart said...

Did you 'do your chores' this weekend, Jamie? lol

JamieB said...

Oh, you're just being silly now.