Tuesday, February 27, 2007


One of the things playing on my mind at the moment, is whether to join Myspace or not. There is only one 'pro' involved in joining Myspace (and Comicspace) and that is the fact that it will be good for the O Men, good publicity.
The main problem is that there are tons of 'cons'. First up, I don't understand it. I cannot see the point of it. What does it do? I can barely decipher most people's pages. People just seem to love putting photos of themselves on there that you can just tell look nothing like them in real life. I hate the way some people have their music set up so loudly (really embarrassing in the office). I can't see myself having time to respond to 'friends'.
Mind you, I never intended to set up a Blog, and I must say I'm quite enjoying it.
So the myspace jury is out. Of course, the other scary thing is the feeling that you're the 'odd one out' by not having a page. Will I become the final person on the planet not to get a Myspace page? Hmm.


JamieB said...

Well you certainly won't be the last person on the planet, as I have no intention whatsoever of getting a myspace page -- or, indeed, of ever visiting myspace. But, each to his/her own. I can see the value of using such sites to keep up with people when you're a long way from home, for example.

Mart said...

Oh is that all it's for?
Sometimes I pop on there and it gets quite amusing when you can follow links onto other familiar people's sites, but I still think it's a bit pointless!

Rol said...

Hello Martin - just discovered your blog. Takes me a while, but I find things in the end.

Having been on myspace a couple of months now, I'm not sure there is a point. I've found it useful for discovering new music and keeping up with my favourite bands... but not much cop for promoting my own work. Comicspace might be better for more comic-centric folk... but at the end of the day, most sites seem full of people far more interested in promoting their own work than discovering the work of other people. Then again, I can't be too criticial... that's exactly why I'm there!