Tuesday, February 27, 2007

O Men 2.5

O Men 2.5 is going to be an Anthology type issue, sort of. It's the origin issue for one of the characters, and approx 10 of the pages will be drawn by other artists - so that's one page each. I'm trying to think who to use. I've already got Sean Azzopardi down (www.phatcatz.org.uk) and my mate Springy (Pest Control).
It's got to be a small presser, as I can't pay and I want someone that can do it in time.
If anyone has any ideas, please post a comment!


Rol said...

I liked that Arachnid strip that Kelvin has up on his website, from your last aborted anthology attempt... I'd give him a page if I were you.

Mart said...

cool i will pencil him in.