Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pirates 3

I must have had a dozen or so people emailing me to tell me what they think of Pirates 3. It's weird, cos that film doesn't really register with me. I hated the first one, mainly because it was way too hot in the cinema when I saw it, and I just didn't get into the plot - plus i despise Kiera Knightley ("ooh look at me, i'm so beautiful, quick let me pout again, i'm so thin!"). So it's obviously bigger on other people's radars than mine. Hmm.


Unknown said...

I'm one of the few that didn't love the other two flicks too. They are impressive with effects and set design, but there's something oddly missing in the heart department. I did see the last one over the weekend and while it's hideously long (near three hours - my ass was numb!) it was the best of the three in terms of clever storytelling and for a non-cop out ending.

Mart said...

i wouldn't mind seeing the giant octopus though...

thekelvingreen said...

I really liked the first one, but the second one was terrible. I had no idea the third one was out now; I thought it was still "coming soon".