Thursday, September 18, 2008

Heroes season three

So Heroes season three starts next week in the US... I’m worried! I thought the first ep was great – but there are some samey elements to it – another big explosion to contend with, future stuff... But the biggest worry is the reaction of a couple of workmates – they weren’t impressed. I mean, in my opinion, this isn’t season two – it’s a league above... I remember the reaction to the first season two episode - it was a bit 'um, was that it?'. i really thought this was so much better!
But we’ll just have to see. I’m kinda worried it might be a bit samey, there are quite a lot of family revelations throughout – I dunno if it’s giving itself room to breathe...
I guess it depends on how it's shot and how it looks. There's plenty of story and plenty of shocks packed in, definitely. Fingers crossed...

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