Monday, October 19, 2009

Very chuffed

Gosh... On Saturday, my Facebook Spandex page had 10 'fans', and now, after a little mail-out to various chums, I've reached a milestone - 50 fans!!!
I'm so chuffed and touched that people have taken time out to sign up. I hope I can come up with some fun things to do on the page!!
If you fancy joining up, just search for Spandex Comic and I'm there.

In the meantime, I've now spotted three mistakes in Spandex 1!!! I already knew there was one before printing, but I just let it go as i didn't want to 'jinx' it at that point - I was happy to let it go.
But now I've spotted two more...
They're continuity errors... I challenge you to spot them!


thekelvingreen said...

Well, one is a bit of a "local" one. The big lesbian's rampage takes her up to Curchill Square, but then she's in the North Laine, then back at Churchill Square again! Haven't spotted the rest yet...

Mart said...

ha ha actually that's not one of them! she's a 50 Foot Lesbian, she gets around a bit!