Thursday, August 28, 2008

Heroes season 3

Just been lucky enough to see a preview of the first season three Heroes episode...
I won't spoil anything whatsoever, don't worry (I can't anyway)...
But the quality just drips off it... So much happens...
I mean, I remember seeing the first season two episode, which only really had one exciting scene (between Hiro's dad and Peter's mom), and we all just assumed it would get better...
But this one - yeah, it's good. Some great scenes with Hiro, Claire, Sylar... Even Matt...
It actually reminded me of Twin Peaks in its moodiness and sinister nature, and it's also really really shocking and like a horror movie in places.
The effect are amazing too, and the music is gorgeous - if it keeps this tone, then we're onto a winner...
I can't really criticise it - the only criticism may be Mohinder's acting - which is a bit wooden - but it looks like he has a fun storyline this year.

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