Monday, January 7, 2008

350 days of the year

Today, I forgot how many days there are in the year. Do you ever get that? A total brain-blank? I couldn't decide if it was 350 or 352. Of course, as a friend helped me out, it's 365...
Also, I had trouble with the question 'what's heavier, a ton of rocks or a ton of feathers' (as featured on America's Dumbest Model). I've since been asking my friends this question, hoping that they'd get this wrong just like me...
And finally, I turn 34 in just under 3 months time. How bloody scary is that? 33 is such a nice age.
So perhaps it's all related and I'm just going senile.


spleenal said...

i'm 35 or 36 probably 36... i think

Mart said...

maybe, with my numbers problem, i got my age wrong...