Tuesday, March 6, 2007

O Men 2.3

O Men 2.3 is in very good shape. It's pretty much all done, so I need to check over it all, fill in little Photoshop colouring spaces, do the letters page, the previously page and a special small press ad on the back page. Also got to draw two courtroom pictures, so I'm waiting for my friend to lend me 'A Fish Called Wanda', as I know there's a courtroom scene in that. (Have taped Kavanagh QC today, too, in case that is helpful!)
I'm a bit wary of these updates though, you know, as I do like to 'fool' my friend Gary when a new issue comes out. He'll ask me how it's coming along and I'll say 'oh, still a long way to go, I'm afraid!' and then he'll get the new issue in the post the next day.
Little things do please me.
Oh, and I now have 3 contributors to O Men 2.5 - Graham Pearce, Sean Azzopardi and Springy. Just need to find 7 more - I have a couple of people in mind.

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