Saturday, November 29, 2008

Batman Really IncomPrehensible

I sat down with all six Batman RIP issues and also read the previous Black Glove story...
Morrison really did lose the plot. What crappy storytelling! So confusing. And if you read Batman RIP on its own - as I did - you have no idea who those silent villains are (I only just found out they were introduced in the Black Glove story) or who that League of Batmen group is. Sloppy!!!
Must do better.


JamieB said...

lol! RIP reads like one of those end-of-a-writer's-run storylines that you have to have read the whole of the writer's run to understand. Rewarding for loyal fans, but incomprehensible to casual readers...

Mart said...

I feel like they sold it as a complete story - and of course it isn't!