Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Sword

Is anyone reading The Sword? I love the Luna Bros, but they’re really testing my patience with this one. It seems like a step down from their previous work. I’m gonna stop buying the monthlies after issue 12 – hopefully it’ll read better that way.


JamieB said...

I'm sticking with it, but, it's trying my patience too. It would have made a cracking six-issue miniseries, but as an open-ended monthly, it just isn't cutting it (no pun intended).

Mart said...

The first issue was great - but since then it's just dragged. Surely sales can't be good on this series?

JamieB said...

Erm... seems like the Sword sells something like 9,000 copies per issue in the States -- this according to cbgxtra.com. What's the break-even figure for a comic like this?

Mart said...

Hmm. I would say 4000, 5000 is getting dangerous.