Have you seen it yet?
I won't spoiler it...
Okay, the first thing that springs to mind - and it will probably appear in most reviews - is Blair Witch. But not because of the camcorder aspect - it’s because of the fact that it brought the same sensations to me - the feeling of dread (which is slightly unwarranted in both movies) and the amount of screen time where not much is happening…
So anyway, if you hadn’t heard - PA is the latest ‘real life’ camcorder style movie, which tells the tale of a couple who are being terrorised by a ghost or demon or something nasty - and they decide to film their nights - and spooky things do happen!
It’s a very claustrophobic movie - halfway thru I just wanted them to get the hell out of the house (which is modern, but somehow slightly scary and the dark downstairs is horrrrible), but the worst parts are the moments of dread when the title ‘Night 1’ ‘Night 13’ etc pops up…and the infra red comes on…and you really don’t know what’s going to happen next… Some of it is a bit disappointing, some is creepy, but one in particular is fairly jaw-dropping!
All in all, it’s not the best movie ever, or the scariest, but it does have bits that will make you ill at ease, I did watch most of it through my fingers and I will probably have trouble sleeping tonight…
Some annoying faults of the movie - okay, if a demon expert tells you not to buy a Ouija board, don’t buy a Ouija board… The bit where (spoiler follows, avoid this sentence) they show footage of someone chewing their arm off is a bit daft - could they really eat thru bone??
And finally - just the acting - having watched so much Curb Your Enthusiasm lately, these guys do need improv lessons, and I never once thought they weren’t actors.
Oh and finally, apparently there are so many different versions doing the rounds (apparently Stephen Speilberg had a hand in one) that I don’t actually know which one I was watching… Moreover, a trailer I saw had the hubby being flung thru the air, so I was steeling myself for that bit - but it wasn’t actually in the movie I saw!!! Tsk…