Monday, February 11, 2008

In love with Lost

Who'da thunk it - I'm loving Lost again.
I loved the first season, pretty much hated the second season, almost gave up in the third season - and then halfway thru it picked up astonishingly. I really think - and hope - that the show is back on track now. Season four has been great so far - with episode one creating some huge mysteries (who are the 'Oceanic 6' in particular) and episode 2 introducing some fantastic new characters - although how long they'll stick around for is anyone's guess. Psychic guy MIles is fantastic and I really hope he sticks around for a while - he reminds me of Ana Lucia in his arrogance, but there's quite a funny side to him too. My money on Ben's 'mole' is the Brit girl - there are already too many pretty blond good characters.
So all in all, yay, please keep up the quality.


Rol said...

Only seen episode one so far, but I'm with you... though I never really went off it in the first place.

thekelvingreen said...

I don't get it. You're both clever blokes who know how to put stories together, and you're both fans of the most shocking pile of swill masquerading as writing I've seen in years. I honestly don't understand it!

thekelvingreen said...

And I'm not trolling, by the by. This is all very good natured bafflement. :)

Mart said...

oh it's all very annoying and irritating and we know we're being led up the garden path - but when something actually happens - boy, does it happen.

thekelvingreen said...

Yeah, I just didn't have the patience for it. I'm interested enough in the central mystery to tune in for the final episode (or more likely, read the synopsis online), but I can't be bothered to sit through the rest of the Emperor's New Clothes nonsense.

It's like the last six or seven years of The X-Files all over again.

Mart said...

oh the poor X-Files. as much as i loved it...yeah, they were making it up as they went along.
at least you don't get that impression with lost, that much. they've just now introduced a couple of fascinating new elements (psychic guy jacob and the 'flash-forwards'), and you feel like they're geniuses for having them in mind all along and only introducing them now - but i bet they only recently thought to include them...

Rol said...

Characters, Kelvin. I'm a big fan of stories that come from characters - and the stories in Lost are some of the most character driven on TV. You have to stick with it to see that though! ;-)

thekelvingreen said...

There are characters in Lost? And not badly-realised bundles of clichés? I must have missed them.


Oh, by the way, Eagle Award nominations are up! I voted for The O Men, of course.

Mart said...

they're better than the Heroes 'characters'...

awesome! thanks for voting for me!!